Welcome to the Chief Information Security Officer
The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is located in the Digital Office and organizes, coordinates, and reviews KIT's information security management.

KIT is making changes to the handling of forwarding emails to external email accounts. If you have set up forwarding of emails from your KIT mailbox to a Gmail address, this will be deactivated on April 1, 2024 and you have been informed of this in advance by email.
As before, you can access the contents of your mailbox directly via the usual e-mail protocols. To do this, you can integrate the e-mail address directly into the e-mail program of your choice. Every common email management program allows you to set up multiple email addresses. Instructions for using the mailbox with different operating systems and programs can be found here: https://www.scc.kit.edu/en/services/7386.php
To ensure effective information security awareness, KIT aims to use scientifically evaluated content. This requires people who voluntarily participate in the evaluations. For information about participation possibilities, the mailing list "secawareness∂lists kit edu" has been created, which you can subscribe to here if you are interested:
Security Awareness in the Dining Hall on 12.07.2022 and 14.07.2022
In a joint action between SECUSO research group and CISO, attention will be drawn to the topic of phishing on both days. Specifically, all visitors are invited to participate in a quiz on how to recognize phishing URLs. On this occasion SECUSO offers the possibility to participate in a voucher raffle.
For European Safer Internet Day 2022 (SID 22), we have compiled information for you on the topics of "mobile work in the home office", "Practical Tips for IT Security" and "Recognizing fraudulent messages" on our SID22 website. There you will also find our 2- to 3-minute explanatory videos on other information security topics and an explanation of how to subscribe to the mailing list for operational and warning announcements.
Link_moreThe focus of this year's ECSM is on general topics from IT security (new: information security) as well as on the detection of fraudulent messages, for which the research group SECUSO, the SCC and the ISB provide materials.
MoreWork safely in the home office with the help of this checklist. Here you can find the most important configuration information, tips and guidelines at a glance.
Download checklist as PDF (in German only)
On this year's Safer Internet Day, the focus is on various information security topics: mobile work in the home office, practical IT security tips and recognising fraudulent messages. In addition, there are 2- to 3-minute explanatory videos on information security topics. The recognition of fraudulent messages can be consolidated in the NoPhish online training.
When? 09 February 2021
Where. Action page or live session in Microsoft Teams at 2:00 p.m.
Link_moreThe use of online communication services at KIT is supported by overviews of risk and protection requirements und tools (in German only).
MoreThe KIT provides information on questions and answers on the handling of the coronavirus for working from home.
The SCC provides information and instructions for mobile work in home office. Its services support this in particular by access to the KIT network via VPN, access to central applications (Microsoft Office etc.), access to the KIT mailbox, and collaboration tools (DFNconf, Microsoft Teams etc.).
MoreThe research group SECUSO, the SCC, and the ISB of KIT participate in Safer Internet Day. The focus this year is once again on the detection of fraudulent messages, especially phishing mails, and the safe handling of these, and a large number of the materials are now available in English.
When? 11 February 2020, 11am - 2pm
Where? Mensa Adenauer-Ring, South Campus
MoreThe SECUSO research group, the SCC, and the KIT ISB participate in the European Cyber Security Month. The focus this year is on detecting phishing and other fraudulent messages and how to handle them safely.
When? 10/11/19, 11-14.
Where? North Campus