I&C Regulations

The KIT and its organizational units operate a cooperative system for information supply and processing. Part of this system is the infrastructure for digital information processing and communication (I&C Infrastructure). The KIT's I&C Regulations stipulate the conditions under which the KIT provides and uses the I&C services.

The I&C Regulations

  • are based on the legally defined tasks of the KIT and on its mandate to preserve academic freedom,
  • establish basic rules for the proper operation of the information and communication infrastructure,
  • point out the rights of third parties to be protected (e.g. software licences, conditions imposed by network operators, data protection aspects),
  • oblige the user to behave correctly and to use the offered resources economically,
  • clarifie possible measures to be taken by the operator in case of violations of the order and related regulations.

For KIT employees, the service agreement of digital information processing and communication (I&C) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - I&C Service agreement (German only) shall apply additionally.